I. General provisions
II. Definitions
III. Type of services provided by electronic means
IV. Intellectual property
V. Technical requirements
VI. The complaint procedure
VII. Personal data
VIII. Final provisions
- The Regulations determine the general terms and conditions for the use of the website provided at and fulfill the obligation under art. 8, section 1, item 1 of the Act of July 18 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 123, i.e., as amended).
- The Website is operated by First Class Design Sp z o.o. with its registered office at ul. Okrężna 8, 44-100 Gliwice, NIP [Tax Identification Number]: 6312710654, REGON [Polish National Business Registry Number]: 524360253, e-mail address:, telephone number: +48 509 335 599.
- The User is obliged to use the Website in a manner consistent with the law and good morals, taking into account respect for personal rights, copyrights, and intellectual property of the Service Provider and third parties. The User is obliged to enter data consistent with the actual state of facts. The User is obliged to prohibit the provision of unlawful content.
- It is forbidden to use the Website and Newsletter for commercial or promotional purposes without prior written consent of the Service Provider. If the Website and Newsletter are found to be used for commercial purposes, the Service Provider reserves the right to block the User involved.
- The User agrees to all the provisions of the Regulations and makes a statement regarding knowledge of the contents of the Regulations.
- BLOG – Electronic Service, an online blog available on the Website for its Users.
- CONTACT US FORM – Electronic Service, a form available on the Website for submitting inquiries about the Service Provider’s Products and services.
- USER – (1) an individual with full legal capacity,
- being a consumer;
- for whom the usage of the Website, including concluding Agreements, is directly related to his/her business or professional activity;
- being an entity to which consumer regulations apply regardless of the fact of conducting business activity;
(2) a legal person; or (3) a business unit without legal personality that is granted legal capacity by law;
– which uses or intends to use the Electronic Services
- NEWSLETTER – Electronic Service, an electronic distribution service provided by the Service Provider via e-mail, which allows all Users using it to automatically receive from the Service Provider the cyclical content of successive editions of the newsletter containing information about the Service Provider’s Products, news and promotions, available to all subscribed Users.
- PRODUCT – a moveable, service or right (including an electronic product, coupon or discount code, discount, promotional code) presented by the Service Provider on the Website.
- REGULATIONS – terms and conditions of the Website.
- WEBSITE – Service Provider’s Website available at the following Internet address: and its subdomains.
- CUSTOMER AREA – Customer Area available only to Users who have received training organized by the Service Provider and have received a password to log in.
- SERVICE PROVIDER, ADMINISTRATOR – First Class Design Sp z o.o., based at: ul. Okrężna 8, 44-100 Gliwice, NIP [Tax Identification Number]: 6312710654, REGON [Polish National Business Registry Number]: 524360253, e-mail address:, telephone number: +48 509 335 599.
- ELECTRONIC SERVICE – a service provided electronically by the Service Provider to the User via the Website.
- The following Electronic Services are available on the Website: the Blog, the Contact Us Form and the Newsletter.
- Blog – The use of the Blog available on the Website (link to the Blog) is possible for all Users and is free of charge. The User has the possibility at any time and without giving any reason to stop browsing the Blog by closing the Internet browser or switching to another website. Users of the Blog can leave their subjective comments under a given Blog entry related to the subject of it and to share the content. Adding a comment is possible by using the form available under a given blog entry – in this case, it is necessary to provide an e-mail address and the comment. Sharing content is possible by selecting the “Share” option. The user then has a choice and can download the link, share on Facebook, share on Twitter, share on Pinterest, or post to a friend.
- Contact Us Form – the use of the Contact Us Form begins when the User starts to complete it. In the Contact Us Form, the User must provide the following data concerning the User: e-mail address, first name, and last name, if necessary. The Electronic Service of the Contact Us Form is provided free of charge. It is of a one-time nature and terminates upon sending a message through it or upon earlier discontinuation of its completion.
- Newsletter – Signing up for the Newsletter service means concluding an agreement between the User and the Service Provider for electronic provision of the Newsletter service, and takes place after providing in the tab visible on the Website: e-mail address to which successive editions of the Newsletter should be sent, marking consent for processing of personal data and confirmation of reading the terms and conditions of the website and privacy policy, and then clicking the action field “>>”. The Service Provider sends an e-mail to the indicated e-mail address with information about confirmation of registration and with an activation link (click to activate). The Newsletter Electronic Service is provided free of charge, quarterly, for an indefinite period of time. The User has the possibility, at any time and without giving any reason, to unsubscribe from the Newsletter (Newsletter cancellation) by sending an appropriate request to the Service Provider, re-adding the previously provided e-mail address in the tab visible on the Service Provider’s website
- By accepting the Regulations, the User acknowledges that all copyrights and trademarks published on the Website and Newsletter, and not excluded by separate provisions or licenses, belong to the Service Provider and are legally protected, in particular by the Act of February 4, 1994, on Copyright and Related Rights (Journal of Laws No. 24, item 83 as amended).
- It is forbidden to use intellectual property rights or Newsletter services for purposes other than those strictly specified in the Regulations. The User shall be fully liable for any damage caused to the Service Provider resulting from the use of the Newsletter trademarks without the consent of the Service Provider or in violation of the Regulations.
The technical requirements necessary to work with the ICT system used by the Service Provider are:
- access to a device connected to the Internet;
- access to an active e-mail account;
- an installed and up-to-date operating system and web browser (e.g., Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Google Chrome, Safari, or Microsoft Edge).
- The User has the right to file a complaint related to the provision of Electronic Services and related to the functioning of the Website by the procedure provided for in this Chapter.
- Complaints may be filed by e-mail to the address or in writing to the Service Provider’s address in a manner that allows identification of the person making the complaints.
- A correctly filed complaint should contain the following data:
- contact details of the claimant (name, surname, e-mail address)
- information and circumstances regarding the subject of the complaint, in particular the type and date of occurrence of irregularities;
- the demands of the complainant.
- The User has to file a complaint within 14 days from the date of occurrence of irregularities under pain of losing his claims against the Service Provider.
- The Service Provider shall make every effort to resolve complaints promptly. The Service Provider will notify the complainant of their outcome in writing or by e-mail to the e-mail address indicated by the User.
- The User’s administrator of the personal data is the Service Provider, i.e., First Class Design Sp z o.o. with its registered office at Okrężna 8, 44-100 Gliwice, NIP [Tax Identification Number]: 6312710654, REGON [Polish National Business Registry Number]: 524360253, which can be contacted via electronic mail (e-mail:, by phone at +48 509 335 599 or by using the contact form on www.
- The Administrator processes Users’ data in particular for the following purposes:
- execution of the contract or to take action prior to its conclusion (Article 6 para. 1b GDPR), separately for the purpose of:
- provision of the newsletter service,
- provision of the blog service
- consent (6 para. 1a of the GDPR), for the purpose of marketing of entities cooperating with the Administrator,
- legitimate interest of the Administrator (Article 6.1F GDPR), separately for the purpose:
- marketing of the Administrator’s products and services, including for analytical and profiling purposes, where the Administrator’s legitimate interest is to conduct direct marketing of its own products and services. Data profiling aims at preparing product offers that take into account the preferences of Website Users,
- use of contact forms made available by the Administrator on the Website, where the Administrator’s legitimate interest is to take care of Users and to answer questions,
- defense against possible claims, where the Administrator’s legitimate interest is the assertion or defense of claims.
- execution of the contract or to take action prior to its conclusion (Article 6 para. 1b GDPR), separately for the purpose of:
- Detailed terms of collection, processing and storage of personal data by the Administrator are described in the Privacy Policy, which is available at:
- These Regulations are free of charge at in a form that makes it possible to acquire, reproduce and record the content of these Regulations using the information and communication system used by the User.
- The Service Provider reserves the right to change the Regulations. Changes to the Regulations are binding for the User after the date specified in the information about the change, but not earlier than within 14 days from their announcement.
- The invalidity of one of the provisions of the Regulations, as determined by a decision of a competent court, shall not invalidate the remaining provisions of the Regulations
- In all matters not covered by these Regulations, the provisions of the applicable Polish law shall apply unless the mandatory law in the User’s country provide otherwise.
- The Polish common court shall settle any disputes arising from the use of the Website.
Date of publication – 01.10.2023
Date of last update – 01.10.2023